Taylor Wimpey and Anwyl Land have formed a unique partnership to deliver an exciting new vision for Edenfield. Working together, the team has designed an overarching Masterplan that is based on four key themes: Homes, Sustainability, Placemaking and Inclusivity.
The Land West of Market Street is a perfect site to deliver sustainable new homes that will be designed to be practical, contemporary and attractive, and ideal for different lifestyles. Our scheme will offer much-needed homes that will be available in a variety of styles and sizes, from starter homes suitable for younger people trying to get their foot on the housing ladder, to larger ‘forever’ family homes.
Our Masterplan will have strong placemaking values at its core, and will set the design foundations for three distinctive neighbourhoods that are well-connected and have a close relationship with the surrounding environment.
This community consultation is the first step and sets out the team’s Vision Masterplan for Land West of Market Street, that is in Taylor Wimpey and Anwyl’s control, and we want to hear from you. Please take the time to read through the information available on this website and let us know your views. Our vision for the site’s design is to have the local community at its heart, so what you think of our plans is important to us and will help shape the subsequent planning applications.
To learn more about the proposals, you can view our Virtual Exhibition where you will find out more about our plans in detail. You can access it by clicking here. We invite you to view our proposals and provide your feedback through our online form, or if you prefer, you can submit your feedback through one of the alternative methods listed on the Your Views page.
As part of the consultation, we hosted a webinar – which was an online session where the project team discussed the plans and answered questions from the public. You can view the recording of the webinar below:
The UK is facing a housing crisis, with a chronic shortage of new homes. Quite simply, not enough homes are being built and supply is much lower than the Government’s ambition of 300,000 houses every year. Unless new homes are built, the situation remains bleak. The same can be said for Rossendale, where unless new homes are built, people who have grown up in the area will be forced to move away to get on the property ladder. Our vision can help deliver new homes for those looking to put down roots.
The Council recognises this and, in 2021, a new Local Plan was approved, which states that at least 3,191 additional new homes need to be built by 2036 to meet the demands of local people. By developing sites that the Council has already identified as being suitable to respond to Rossendale’s housing needs, like the site on Land West of Market Street, this will protect other sites across the Borough from speculative development.
Working closely in partnership, Taylor Wimpey and Anwyl Land are combining their wealth of experience in building lasting communities in the North West to create a Vision Masterplan that will outline the design basis for distinctive communities in Edenfield that responds to the Borough’s needs.
Currently, hundreds of local people are trapped outside of the property market due to a lack of affordable homes. The Council’s 2016 Strategic Housing Market Assessment confirmed that there is a need of between 158-321 new affordable properties each year, a demand that will continue to grow with the ongoing cost-of-living crisis. Our vision for Edenfield will help young families get their foot on the housing ladder, helping them to find a home where they grew up.
Rossendale Borough Council believes that the Land West of Market Street is appropriate for around 400 badly-needed, new homes, which is why the site has been allocated for development in the Local Plan. It states that the area “will require a well-designed scheme that responds to the site’s context”. Our unique partnership is working closely together, along with the Council, to realise this opportunity. Now, the team wants to hear from local people to help shape the Masterplan.
The site is split into a number of different sections, with Taylor Wimpey owning the central section of the land and Anwyl Land promoting the southern section. Due to the split ownership of the site, each of the developers will be committed to delivering improvements to local infrastructure and enhancements to the surrounding biodiversity.
Together, the team plans to create a well-connected and sustainable community that will be in accordance with the design parameters set in the overarching Masterplan. With your input, we can make this a place that local people will be proud of.
After the public consultation on the Masterplan, Taylor Wimpey, and Anwyl Land will be bringing forward two separate planning applications for their respective sections of the site. The team is committed to bringing forward these individual proposals in a considered and considerate manner, and has therefore agreed to a phased approach.
Delivering the developments in phases also means that it can be implemented at a sustained pace which will minimise local disruption during the construction period. Furthermore, applications for the detailed aspects of the site will be brought forward methodically.
Developers of later phases will have the opportunity to engage with this Masterplan process to agree design parameters and programmes for their sites.
We have our vision for our community, but we want to hear from you to help shape these plans!
Taylor Wimpey and Anwyl Land are proposing a landscape-led Masterplan that has been sensitively designed with the local community at its heart. This aims to be more than just ‘bricks and mortar’, our vision for Edenfield will have a long-lasting positive impact for current and new residents.
Our proposals in the Masterplan include:
As these plans progress, we want to hear your feedback. This input, along with the team’s current vision for the site, will form the Design Code for an attractive, vibrant new residential development with an appealing mix of high-quality homes, landscaped open space and inward investment that will have positive benefits for new and existing residents.
For more in-depth information about our plans, please click here to view our virtual exhibition.
Our Masterplan has been designed to respond sensitively to the characteristics of the site and the wider area, highlighting how it will be a sustainable extension to urban Edenfield. This aims to be a high-quality residential scheme with a coherent landscape structure which conserves the natural assets present on the site as well as enhancing opportunities for recreation and pedestrian/cycle movement.
It will create a greenspace with new tree planting and landscaping along the western edge of the site. This will extend existing woodland areas, providing a strong buffer between development and the A56, and will soften the urban edge of Edenfield, blending the development into its surroundings when viewed from higher land to the west of the valley.
The plans will retain an area of open space adjacent to Market Street which provides a break in development and enables long views to the hill tops of Holcombe Moor to the west of Edenfield which contribute to a distinct sense of place.
It will protect the setting of Mushroom House and the existing Public Right of Way and stone wall within the site. Vehicular access into the site can be safely taken from Market Street, ensuring that the existing access track to Mushroom House is not subject to any increase in traffic. However, the track could be upgraded to provide a controlled emergency access into the site if required.
The residential area broadly follows the outline of the site. The integration of tree planting throughout the development will break up the roofscape and will further embed the development into the landscape.
A further ‘greened’ street is proposed to link the existing Public Right of Way to Edenfield recreation ground. This will promote the use of this greenspace and will also facilitate connectivity to the shops and services in the village centre.
The design will retain much of the site’s existing features, landscape character and local context. It also responds to the issues of ecology, access, landscape and drainage, to create a multi-functional landscape of benefit to the existing and new communities.
If you have any questions about the proposals, please check below to view our frequently asked questions and answers. For all other questions, please visit Your Views for ways to submit your questions.
The site is located on land west of Market Street in Edenfield. It is bordered by the A56 to the west, Exchange Street to the south, residential buildings to the east which face onto Market Street and it runs alongside Blackburn Road (B6527) to the northern part of the site.
Rossendale Borough Council has removed the site from the Green Belt, but under certain conditions. One of these conditions, as set out in the adopted Local Plan, is that “the comprehensive development of the entire site is demonstrated through a masterplan with an agreed programme of implementation and phasing”.
This Masterplan will demonstrate how each developer will not prejudice one another, it will provide information on the background of the site and it will outline the different phasing proposed.
No, this is not a planning application. Three separate planning applications will be submitted following the Masterplan Consultation.
There is not enough land to build all the new homes required on brownfield land, which has been demonstrated through the Local Plan process. By bringing forward a new ‘planned’ vision for this site, we can protect other green spaces in our community from speculative development.
Furthermore, this consultation means that local people will have the opportunity to help shape the vision for this landscape-led development.
The residential development will deliver a mixture of housing types and tenures, which will include open market and affordable housing. The vision for the site is to create a high-quality family and affordable community with distinctive local character that will meet the needs of the Borough.
The first phase of the development to be brought forward by Taylor Wimpey will include two, three, and four-bedroom properties, both detached and semi-detached, in a mixture of shared ownership and rental tenures in line with Council requirements.
Yes, we envisage that 30% of the proposed new homes will be affordable in line with Council policy, although this is subject to viability considerations which will be assessed through the application process.
Our site has been identified as a strategic location for a residential development. This is partly due to the site being located within easy access of a range of local services, employment opportunities and public transport routes.
With that said, the development represents a large-scale investment to the local area. This will help to support local services and businesses through increased footfall, spending and tax revenues. Indeed, the proposed development could contribute an additional £79 million of gross value added (GVA) annually to the local economy during the 8 – year construction period, the new homes are estimated to generate expenditure of £11 million per year, as well as around £847,500 per year in additional Council Tax revenue, which can be used to improve local services and infrastructure.
Furthermore, the Infrastructure Delivery Plan that supports the adopted Local Plan confirms that local services in Edenfield have sufficient capacity to absorb the proposed development.
For more information on other site considerations, please visit our virtual exhibition.
Our plans have been designed with a strong place-making and community focus. It has been indicated in the Local Plan that the development “will be required to expand either Edenfield CE Primary School or Stubbins Primary School from a 1 form entry to a 1.5 form entry primary school, and for a secondary school contribution subject to the Education Authority”.
This will be funded via proportionate Section 106 contributions from each subsequent planning application. A Section 106 agreement is a legal document that sits alongside a planning permission to secure the relevant contributions, often restricting the level of development that can come forward before these contributions are made.
These contributions will be agreed with the Local Planning Authority and the Local Education Authority in line with their agreed methodology, which is based on the likely pupil yield generated by each development, less any capacity in existing schools at the time the application is determined.
There are a number of ways you can have a say on our proposals, such as completing an online feedback form, calling the Community Information Line on 0333 358 0502 (Monday to Friday – 9:00am to 5:30pm) or attending our webinar on Wednesday 29th June from 18:00-19:00. You can also email us at marketstreetmasterplan@havingyoursay.co.uk.
Taylor Wimpey is a national housebuilder in the UK with a local presence. We build and sell over 10,000 homes each year and make a positive contribution to the communities in which we work by developing infrastructure and making financial contributions to local authorities. Working with others benefits us all and is at the heart of a successful and sustainable development. We aim to be the land buyer and residential developer that everyone wants to deal with.
Anwyl Land are part of Anwyl Group, a proud 4th generation family company. We began in 1930 as a joinery and woodworking contractor, but with over nine decades of success behind us in construction and property development, we now operate three divisions: Anwyl Homes, Anwyl Land and Anwyl Partnerships.
Anwyl Land is the land promotion arm of the business, working alongside landowners to achieve planning permission, market and ultimately sell the site to deliver much needed family homes.
You can find out more about the work we do and our specialisms on www.anwylland.co.uk and the wider group on www.anwylgroup.co.uk.
Our public consultation ran from 22nd June – 6th July 2022 and has now closed.
You can still contact members of the team to ask questions using the details listed below.